April 2023: Multigenerational Sailing

NYC Brooklyn Cruise Port, TWBC Office and Port Canaveral Cruise Port

Vacations are perfectly pleasant when traveling with your favorite person, but when you travel with a group of friends, coworkers, or extended family members, the fun is awesomely amplified!  

Coordinating travel dates, choosing a destination, and picking between cruise itineraries can be challenging with several opinions involved, but working with a cruise advisor eases this stress! Cruise advisors guide groups of any size through the planning process by leading discussions, offering guidance with budget and travel dates, and curating a list of options based on your wish list.

Once the plans are secured, it's all about excitedly preparing for travel and having a blast in destination! The fun is truly multiplied!

As your cruise advisor, I have been working diligently behind the scenes, educating myself to ensure the guidance I provide in your planning is the most up to date and educated.  I have visited cruise ports for information on access and embarkation procedures, I have toured ships for education on what you can expect while aboard and I have continued my learning with various workshops and trainings, both virtually and in person.  Having a cruise advisor who is active within the cruise community is a must!  I want to make sure you feel confident with my assistance every step of the way!

3 Reasons Why Families Plan Multigenerational Trips

My Multigenerational Family

As a cruise advisor, who also cruises with a large multi-generational family as often as we can, I value the time we spend together experiencing the world.  

Meet in the Middle: With families often spread throughout the United States, choosing a completely new destination for gathering makes it fair for everyone.

 New Experiences Together: Vacations are exciting, and sharing vacation experiences together allows family members to bond and laugh while making new memories.

 Quality Time: When gathering as a family in someone's hometown (or staying in their home), work is always involved for someone. Cooking and cleaning are part of hosting guests, but when vacationing elsewhere, everyone can relax!

Tips for Planning a Cruise Group Getaway

Make plans far in advance. Group plans often take longer to come together. Allow plenty of time to discuss, choose, and book reservations.

Discuss the budget and who is paying. Choosing a vacation that is within budget for all travelers sets the tone at the start of the planning process. If certain people are paying for others, it should be discussed before research is done and decisions are made.

Choose a leader and delegate tasks. Travel advisors want one contact person when coordinating travel for more than one family. It simplifies communication and creates better work flow. The leader should delegate tasks to family members that want to assist with the plans.

Consider limitations of the group. Special needs like mobility issues, health considerations, and ages of travelers should be addressed right away when planning and weighing options.

Discuss childcare and the children's schedules in advance. Establishing boundaries for babysitting and expectations/needs for the kiddos' schedules is essential to a fun vacation.

Fun Cruise Activities for Friends & Families

One of the reasons why cruising is so popular is that it offers a variety of activities that cater to many interests. Moving from deck to deck, passengers can choose between live music, stage shows, comedy performances, spa services, relaxing pool time, trivia contests, movies, and more. Adding in ports only adds in more options for fun and enrichment through cultural and historical tours, beach time, adventure sports, and sightseeing.

Balancing alone time with large and small group activities when traveling with friends is key to a great cruise. Setting expectations before departure and planning ahead gives everyone a voice and sets the tone for a fun trip together!

Be on the Lookout with TWBC Social Postings this Month! 

Connect with The World by Cruise 

I ask that you please friend me on Facebook and follow my business pages on Facebook and Instagram! I would love to stay connected my clients!  

Carrie Novak Cummings (personal page)

The World by Cruise (business page on Facebook and Instagram) follow me on both! 

Referrals and word-of-mouth testimonials are what help small businesses grow! I want to thank you for sharing your cruise planning experience with your friends and family. As you cruise this spring and summer, please TAG me on your posts of your vacation so that I can share your experience for other cruise clients! 

Also, I have created a Connecting with the World by Cruise Group Page on Facebook. It is here where I bring together cruise enthusiasts, treasured clients, and cruise travel members together to share cruise vacations, updates, and special offers!


Join the group and post your vacation pictures!



May 2023: Passion for Cruising


March 2023: Are You Feeling Lucky?